EvC Season Three Finale: Ask Us Anything

David, Sara, and Ed are back for the final episode of Season Three, a special ask-us-anything episode dedicated to your audience questions. From nature-based solutions, to environmentally-responsible oil, hydrogen, geothermal, and more, they dig into a wide variety of topics.


@2:27 Accounting Emissions to Consume with Care

@3:53 The forests backing California's carbon offsets are burning up

@8:20 EvC S1E7 Are Nature-based Solutions a Natural Policy Choice?

@9:18 Can we control the CO2 in the atmosphere? Freeman Dyson

@7:34 Delta Airlines Carbon Offsets Now Letting Passengers Fly Green

@17:17 Oilsands are high-carbon fuel source

@22:22 EvC S2E5 Decarbonizing Transportation

@24:02 Figure: SPM.7

@25:14 20% of commuters commute <5km by car, 1/3 <10km

@26:26 12 tried-and-true ways to reduce cars in cities

@38:57 Jean Charest vows to repeal consumer carbon price plan

@43:50 How We Survive Podcast

@ 44:42 The Salton Sea could produce the world's greenest lithium

@46:57 How much of global greenhouse gas emissions come from food?

@47:57 The potentials and limitations of tree plantings as a climate solution

@50:57 Nate the House Whisperer

@52:42 Canada introduces tax credit for CCUS investments

@54:27 EvC S3E12: Decarbonizing Cement

@56:14 E-bike for mother’s day

@57:27 Deliberative Democracy - an overview

About your co-hosts:

David Keith is a professor at Harvard in Engineering and the Kennedy School. He is the founder of Carbon Engineering and was formerly a professor at the University of Calgary. He splits his time between Canmore and Cambridge.

Sara Hastings-Simon studies energy transitions at the intersection of policy, business, and technology. She’s a policy wonk, a physicist turned management consultant, and a professor at the University of Calgary and Director of the Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Development.

Ed Whittingham is a clean energy policy/finance consultant, fellow at the Public Policy Forum and a mentor with the Creative Destruction Lab. He is the former executive director of the Pembina Institute.