Editorial Independence
Energy vs Climate retains full authority over editorial content to protect the interests of our show. We maintain a strict separation between show coverage decisions and sources of all revenue, meaning that our funders have no say or influence over what topics we choose to cover, which guests we choose to host, and the statements we choose to make regarding climate and energy issues. We accept donations, grants and speaker fees from individuals and organizations (foundations, governments and companies) for general or specific support of our activities. Acceptance of financial support does not constitute implied or actual endorsement of supporters or their products, services, policies or opinions.
Conflict of Interest
We carefully consider our personal business affiliations and involvements, and disclose potential conflicts of interest within the production when making editorial decisions.
Our Funding Mix
Our funding mix to date includes seed contributions from David, Sara, Ed and a small selection of Canadian foundations. We also receive occasional speaker fees for live shows and accept donations from individual listeners and show supporters. Our hope is that in the future Energy vs Climate will be continue to be funded by a combination of foundations, viewer/listener support, and speaker fees, so that we can keep providing it as a free resource.
Energy vs Climate is a project of the Academy for Sustainable Innovation Canada.